Property and Divorce in Montana

Property and Divorce in Montana

I get a lot of questions about how property will be divided in Montana. Many folks mistakenly believe that we are a “50/50” state when it comes to property, but this is not so. This post will leave out a discussion of maintenance (or alimony) as that is a...
Have You Been Served?

Have You Been Served?

“You’ve been served.” The words no one likes to hear. The party who was served has 21 days to file an official response to the initial paperwork. But what happens if that response is not filed? Default! If a party has not filed a response to initial...
Dogs and Divorce

Dogs and Divorce

Yes, you read that right. Dogs and divorces. I have gone to court more than once when the couple could not agree on who would get the dog in a divorce. I know an attorney who did a full day trial on who got the couple’s pet parrot! Pets are important, and they...
Interim Parenting Plans

Interim Parenting Plans

If you are getting a divorce in Montana, or pursuing a parenting plan in Montana, you might want to consider an interim parenting plan. Interim parenting plans are useful if you and your ex are not getting along, or if are there certain provisions regarding parenting...
Holidays and Parenting Plans

Holidays and Parenting Plans

Co-parenting around holidays can cause major issues between parties, and for children. Chances are, if you are divorced or divorcing in the state of Montana, you have a parenting plan. Most parenting plans have provisions for how to handle various holidays. However,...