You are on the hunt for a Montana divorce lawyer, or a Montana law firm to represent you in your divorce. Finding the best Montana divorce lawyer for you is an important, personal selection at a difficult time of your life. But, it is not so easy to find someone that you align with and trust for this extremely emotional, important time in your life. Luckily, I have a few tips on how to find the best person to help you through this tricky transition.
Tip #1: If it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t.
If it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t. Let’s say you have narrowed your choices down to some family law attorneys in Kalispell, Montana. You call them, and are treated rudely on the phone, or not called back, or feel weird after the consultation. Listen to your feelings. While the Montana divorce lawyer that you spoke with might be great at law, they need to work great with YOU. You are going to be spending a lot of time with this person, and working on a lot of things with them. And you are paying them a lot of money to work with you. Make sure it is a good fit.
Tip #2: Listen to (most of) the reviews.
Listen to (most of) the reviews. There are so many review sites available to you right now, you can gather a lot of information about potential counsel in a short time. Look at the overall message of the reviews. Is it positive? Is it negative? Don’t pay attention to outlier reviews, i.e. if there is one GREAT review amongst many negative, or if there is one AWFUL review amongst many positive reviews. Any professional will make some angry or happy at some point if they have done their job long enough. The important thing is what people are saying overall. Also, I think it is good to look at responsiveness to reviews, because you want a lawyer that will be responsive to you.
Tip #3: Ask around online.
Don’t stop at reviews! One of the best places to get information about a potential family law lawyer in Montana is to ask around. One of my favorite places to get information of this nature is on Facebook groups. For instance, if you are looking for a lawyer practicing family law in Helena, Montana, go to the Helena Classifieds Facebook group. Ask about potential divorce lawyers. You will get a lot of responses, and you will find out who to NOT go to as well. Overall, you will see a few names pop up multiple times and that is a good place to start. The same goes for any other location in Montana. Join Flathead 411 Requests for recommendations on a family law attorney in Kalispell, MT, join Butte Classifieds to get a recommendation for a Butte family law attorney. I do think it’s classy to ask people to PM you their negative experiences, or it can start a war in the comments (and who has time for that).
Tip #4: Assess tech savvy and try to find a match.
So many things in the law require tech savvy these days. For instance, any family law attorney in Kalispell, MT has to learn to e-file all of their pleadings. Similarly, most mediations take place on zoom, most communication is through email, there are a zillion ways to reach out to counsel online, the list goes on. If you are a tech savvy person, you will probably want someone who is similarly tech savvy to make communication and coordination most efficient. So, it might not be the best idea to hire a Montana law firm that doesn’t even have a website. Check and see if potential counsel has a website, emails, can edit pdfs, etc., if that is something that is important to you. That goes both ways, too. If you are not tech savvy, and you prefer to find another lawyer who prefers calling each other on your landlines as your main communication, look for that in your lawyer. Tech savviness runs the gamut in family law in Montana!
Tip #5: Research Ethics Opinions.
This tip might require a bit more effort, but it is good to check your list of potential montana divorce lawyers with the list of ethics opinions. All Montana lawyers are governed by the Rules of Professional Conduct. We are required to follow these rules. If we do not follow these rules, we get reported to the Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC). If ODC finds that you did indeed violate the rules, they will dole out a variety of punishments. If you have been punished by way of going on the public discipline list, it is available to the public. Now, everyone makes mistakes, being on this list does not mean the lawyer is necessarily bad. But, it can mean that there is an issue or pattern of issues with a particular attorney that might not make them a good fit for your situation.
Tip #6: Ask about the cost up front.
If you are watching your finances, and do not want to spend all of your money on your family law situation, ask about the cost up front. It is a good sign if the lawyer is up front with you about what their fees are, what their retainer will be, and what forecasted costs will be. It is not a good sign if they do not answer this question, or give a very, very large number. More expensive does not necessarily mean better. Sometimes it just means more expensive.
This is one reason I developed my flat fee model for family law paperwork, wills, and mediation. People care about their money, and most of us are not made of money. I want to see people get the family law help they need without breaking the bank, or having surprise expenses.
Tip #7: Find someone who actually cares.
I provide family law in Helena and Kalispell, Montana, and offer my services statewide. I like to think that most of the other lawyers in these communities are compassionate, and truly care about their clients, the children, and their cases. However, there are exceptions to that rule. There are lawyers that are burned out and just in it for the money. There are lawyers who care more about a parental position than about what is good for the kids overall. It takes all kinds, but I see the best results from lawyers who really do seem to care.
I think it is a really good sign if a lawyer is up front about ALL of your options. If a lawyer doesn’t mention mediation, or that you can represent yourself, or pushes an agenda, that might mean that they are more interested in their own billable hours or agenda over yours. Pay attention!
Can I fire my lawyer if it is not a good fit?
Yes, you can terminate your attorney/client relationship with your lawyer any time you want. If you have remaining retainer with them, you are entitled to a refund of your retainer upon termination of the attorney/client relationship. You are also entitled to a free copy of your file.
I loved my lawyer and had a great experience with them, what is the best way to spread the word?
Leave them a review! Google or Facebook are great places to start. And thank you, folks like you are what keep me going some days!
Let Fox Law Firm Help You!
I hope these tips have been helpful for you on your search for a divorce lawyer in Montana. I in no way intend to say that I would be a good fit for everyone, and I encourage you employ these tips in your search for counsel. If you want to chat with me more, I do offer a 30 minute phone consultation ($75) and could go over your options, and you can see if you think we would be a good fit.
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