You have, unfortunately, found yourself googling “divorce lawyer montana.” Now you must decide how you want to proceed legally. Luckily, you have more options than ever. Two of those options are: flat fee divorce and a traditional divorce. I’ve already gone over the basics of flat fee lawyers vs. a retainer lawyer, and the basics of flat fee lawyer services. Here are some pros and cons of each path.
Pros and Cons
Pros of a Flat Fee Divorce Lawyer
- Cost effective because it is a fair, set price and you will NEVER get an additional bill
- Usually very efficient and straightforward
- Keeps your case calm and out of court
- A flat fee lawyer wants to get the job done and get you moving on with your life
- Wide variety of flat fee services available – check out some options here: https://mtfoxlaw.com/flat-fee-services/
Cons of a Flat Fee Divorce Lawyer
- Not usually as well suited nor available for contentious cases that are heading to Court
Pros of a Traditional/Retainer Lawyer
- Great if you are going to Court or have an emergency situation that needs to be addressed by a Judge.
Cons of a Traditional/Retainer Lawyer
- You never know how much it is going to cost, can be tens of thousands of dollars or more
- The lawyer has a financial interest in drawing your case out further because the longer you are a client, the longer they can bill
- The lawyer has a financial interest in taking your case to court vs. a calmer resolution
The Process of Flat Fee Divorce Services
Once you have decided that flat fee divorce services are a good fit for you, you will go through the process of receiving flat fee services. The process depends on what you might select, as there are a number of different options. I will give you a couple of examples:
Full Representation Uncontested Divorce
If you decide that you and your partner want to agree on divorce terms and file together, this is a great fit for you. For a flat fee, I draft, file, and finalize your entire divorce. All you have to do is purchase the item from my flat fee page, and fill out the intake paperwork I send you. As I draft the documents, I’ll ask you questions and tell you what information I need from you. Then, we will edit the documents together and make sure they are satisfactory to you and your partner. Then, I file them and the divorce is usually finalized within a few days to a week.
Drafting initial divorce paperwork
If you decide that you are pursuing a divorce, but you don’t want to draft the initial paperwork, this is a great option. For this process, you purchase the item on my flat fee page. Then, I get you intake forms and you fill them out. Once the forms are complete, I set about drafting your paperwork. I contact you to answer questions I may have. Once a draft is prepared, you review the draft and we make any necessary changes. Upon conclusion of editing, the documents are ready to file.
Unlimited Email Support
Let’s say you have a lot of questions, and you want to be able to ask a lawyer all of your questions without spending a ton of money paying an attorney hourly for their time. If this describes you, this is a great flat fee choice. The process here is that you purchase this item, and I email you to acknowledge your purchase, and tell you how many days you have to ask me questions. I let you know when the time span is halfway up, and when it has concluded. You ask me as many questions as you want via email during that time period!
Document review
This is a great option for someone that has drafted their own paperwork (or used my fill-in-the-blank forms), and wants an attorney to review it and edit it before filing. Once you purchase this item, I email you and let you know you can send me your documents any time you are ready. Once you get them to me, I review them, edit them, and return them to you ready to file!
These are just a few of the flat fee options available, but you get the idea of how it works. Throughout the process I aim to make things easy for you, keep things moving, and help you feel as good as possible about the process.
Flat Fee Divorce Costs
As mentioned, flat fee services are generally a lot less expensive than traditional lawyer services. A traditional divorce can be thousands and thousands of dollars. Even in Montana, I’ve heard of divorces costing upwards of $20,000 when all was said and done. My flat fee services range from $145 to $1895. I’m sure you would rather spend $1895 than $20,000 on your divorce!
Granted, flat fee services are not suited to situations that are more contentious or headed to court. But, a lot of times acrimony and going to court can be avoided by working together from the beginning, and having documents properly prepared from the beginning. I like to see people begin the process in the best way possible, and flat fee service are a great way to accomplish this objective because the parties are working together, having attorney drafted documents that will lessen future conflict and confusion over the “legalese,” and the parties have less money concerns and stress from the divorce process itself.
Flat Fee Divorce Mediation
Flat Fee Divorce Mediation is another area where you can resolve your case and save money. If you are interested in my Flat Fee Zoom Mediation https://mtfoxlaw.com/flat-fee-zoom-mediation/, you can contact me or schedule on the Flat Fee Zoom Mediation page and I will be in touch with both parties upon contact or scheduling.
Once you have scheduled, I will send out invoices for the service to both parties. Usually, parties split mediation fees 50/50, but sometimes one person will pay the entire bill. Once paid, I will send you the zoom link, and ask you to send me a mediation statement prior to the mediation date. I will review that statement as part of my mediation preparation. On mediation day, I will have both parties (and counsel, if applicable) in separate “rooms,” so you will not have to see eachother or interact (unless you want to). 95% of family law mediations settle.
How much does divorce mediation cost?
Usually in mediation, you are paying half of the mediator’s hourly rate (usually $150-$250/hour) and possibly your attorney’s hourly rate as well. In my Flat Fee Zoom Mediation you will still have to pay your counsel if you have counsel, but you know what I cost ($895) and I will already be paid so you can take your time and proceed towards settlement at your own pace.
Are there any other good ways to search for a divorce lawyer besides googling “divorce lawyer montana?”
Yes! You can always go to www.montanabar.org and search for attorneys there. But, my favorite way is to ask around on local Facebook classifieds boards. The locals will usually know who is good and who is not.
Do many lawyers do flat fee work?
No. It is a surprisingly rare thing to find a flat fee divorce lawyer in Montana. Traditional/retainer attorneys can make more money than flat fee lawyers, usually. But, I think the flat fee services serve most people better.
Let Fox Law Firm Help You!
Hopefully this post has helped you decide if a flat fee divorce lawyer would work for you. If you want to see how we can help you, please contact us today!
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