The “D” Word

Divorce. Chances are that the word “divorce” did not even pop into your head on your wedding day. No one wants to end up here. But, here you are.

While it is definitely one of the more difficult things you will likely go through in your life, it does not have to be as bad as you might think.

First of all, you do not need a lawyer to proceed. There are a lot of resources for people who wish to represent themselves or cannot afford counsel (these people are called “pro se” in the law world). There are a number of forms you can look up and fill out yourself (Google “family law forms Montana”). Depending on where you live in Montana, there are a number of family law self help centers.

Secondly, if you do decide to hire a lawyer, selecting the right lawyer makes a big difference. The world is full of all types of lawyers. Different lawyers have different styles, and you need to find the one that fits you. It can be difficult to do that with each attorney charging for a consultation, but you can generally get a feel from the attorney’s website, office staff (if any), and social media profiles. Do not proceed with someone just because they came highly recommended if it does not feel like a good fit for you. Trust your gut.

I will tell you what my approach is. I look for the best resolution that can be had with the least amount of heartache. Plain and simple. If you want a shark who is going to take your ex to the cleaners, make them wish they had never even met you, and run up a big tab in the process, please look elsewhere. If you want a Kalispell divorce attorney who will get things done as painlessly as possible, give me a call.

Next up on the blog, we are going to talk about a new and exciting area of the law called “Collaborative Practice.” Stay tuned!
